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Our Rates


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Our courses and training programmes are offered online. We have indicated STANDARD fees. Rates may differ based on duration, programme type and number of participants. We also offer bespoke programmes tailored to specific requirements and groups. Discounted rates may apply for group trainings based on numbers.

Rates: 165 USD per person

To arrange a session REGISTER TODAY


Web Design

Our courses and training programmes are offered online. We have indicated STANDARD fees. Rates may differ based on duration, programme type and number of participants. We also offer bespoke programmes tailored to specific requirements and groups. Special discounts offered for schools and HEI's in underprivileged and low income sectors. We also have a number of free places for each course/training. Please let us know if you like to be considered.

Rates: 165 USD per person

To arrange a session REGISTER TODAY


Web Design

Our courses and training programmes are offered online. We have indicated STANDARD fees. Rates may differ based on duration, programme type and number of participants. We also offer bespoke programmes tailored to specific requirements and groups. Special discounts offered for hospitals and healthcare providers in underprivileged and low income sectors. We also have a number of free places for each course/training. Please let us know if you like to be considered.

Rates: 165 USD per person

To arrange a session REGISTER TODAY


Web Design

Our courses and training programmes are offered online. We have indicated STANDARD fees. Rates may differ based on duration, programme type and number of participants. We also offer bespoke programmes tailored to specific requirements and groups. Special discounts offered for individuals and communities in underprivileged and low income sectors. We also have a number of free places for each course/training. Please let us know if you like to be considered.

Rates: 165 USD per person

To arrange a session REGISTER TODAY